
We know that people are different; the aim of our Graduate opportunities is to put you on the starting blocks for a successful career with L'Oréal. Finished your studies and looking for a challenging and engaging first job opportunity? Whether It's a junior job, the Management Trainee Program, or a VIE international internship, You're in the right place. You can expect to gain international experience, hold different positions, work with different mentors, and develop a deep understanding of the business and L'Oréal’s culture. You will bring your whole unique self to work. You will feel empowered to ask why and why not, and to present your bold new ideas. Your colleagues will be there to support you, help you grow, and teach you things you would have never expected to learn!

At L'Oréal, you can expect to build a lifetime’s worth of memories.

L'Oréal Graduate Opportunities in France: have the freedom to go beyond!


L'Oréal in France is offering you unique and tailor-made programs in all functions, to give you the freedom to go beyond while preparing you to face today’s and tomorrow’s transformations! The goal is for you to take ownership of your career and unleash your full potential. The program consists of several rotations across different roles that may last up to 18 months depending on the program and personalized learning track. As we believe in developing our talents from the ground up, many of our interns and apprentices have successfully joined our graduate opportunities scheme.


如果你是28周歲以下的歐洲公民,並且對通過國際職場經曆來開啓你的職業生涯感興趣,那麽VIE(國際經驗志願者計劃)非常適合你! 我們在全球範圍內提供6至24個月的任務。這是拓展你的好奇心和發展自己跨文化技能的關鍵時刻。請留意網站上更新的外招機會!



  • Commerce Graduate Program (Multi-divisions French market)


  • 市場營銷畢業生項目(高檔化妝品部 - 總部產品開發)


  • 數字營銷畢業生項目


  • 研發與創新畢業生項目


  • 財務控制畢業生項目


  • 人力資源畢業生項目


  • 信息科技畢業生項目 - 技術類


  • Operations管培生


法國—— L’Oréal集團的總部

Paris is home to the International Development teams for the majority of our 36 brands. From here, the brands develop their worldwide strategic vision. They work in full collaboration with the Global Research & Innovation and Operations teams, ensuring that we deliver the most advanced and innovative cosmetics solutions for all our consumers’ needs. France is one of the largest countries in the L'Oréal portfolio, coming in third behind China and the US. Marché France has around 2,500 people working in more than ten areas of expertise, driven by French consumer needs. Not forgetting that France also generates over 25% of L'Oréal’s global production in its 11 factories.
