¡Te damos la bienvenida!

At L'Oréal, whether You're an Intern, Management Trainee or Apprentice, you can expect to bring your whole self to work. We embrace our differences and celebrate what makes us each unique. You will feel empowered at all stages of your career; to ask why, to ask why not, and present your bold new ideas. Your colleagues will be there to support you, help you grow and teach you things you would never expect to learn (maybe even learn to juggle)!

At L'Oréal, you can expect to build a lifetime worth of memories.

Descubre las historias de nuestro talento júnior

don't Expect to Take a Back Seat at L'Oréal

We value entrepreneurship and expect you to act like the CEO of all of your projects. We work hard and move fast at L'Oréal, but don't worry, We're a learning culture where we embrace risks, accept failures and support growth!

Management Trainee Program

Sabemos que las personas son diferentes, ¡por eso hemos creado un Management Trainee Program solo para ti! Cada año, en más de 40 países y regiones, ofrecemos a graduados de todas las disciplinas la oportunidad de unirse a este programa para pasar de ser un estudiante a un profesional; ofreciéndote una visión general única de cómo operan las diferentes funciones, marcas y divisiones. El programa consta de varias rotaciones a través de diferentes funciones, dependiendo de la ubicación, que puede durar hasta 18 meses. Como creemos en el desarrollo de nuestro talento, muchos de nuestros aprendices, estudiantes en prácticas de verano y estudiantes en prácticas estándar son transferidos con éxito al Management Trainee Program. ¡La gran noticia es que también tenemos varias oportunidades para ofrecer a los graduados externos!

Programa de Aprendizaje

Our Degree Apprenticeship is an extended programme that offers the opportunity to gain hands-on work experience with L'Oréal, and stay (or walk away!) with a Graduate degree. Depending on the location and regional laws, your tuition fees are fully or partially covered by L'Oréal, we also provide you with all the support necessary so you can adapt to both studying and working in a professional environment and a competitive yearly salary.


¡Buscamos personas decididas que estén dispuestas a asumir grandes responsabilidades desde el principio! Te asignarán un manager y un tutor que te guiará a lo largo de tus prácticas. Nuestro programa te proporciona una orientación adaptada a la longitud de tu estancia, ofreciéndote una percepción real del funcionamiento de un líder de la industria multinacional. También ofrecemos prácticas de verano y programas estacionales en muchas de nuestras marcas y funciones.

¡Nuestros líderes en el campus!

As a leader in the beauty industry, L'Oréal has many useful insights to share with students; the skills required to succeed in an international organization, and what successful leadership looks like. Our Leaders on Campus is about much more than us sharing… It's about hearing from you! When they visit campuses around the world, they will of course share their experiences and offer tips, but they ensure to spend time taking questions and hearing the valuable insights each student has to offer. Without you, L'Oréal could not continue its growth into the BeautyTech leader.