unbefristete Beschäftigung
Mexico City
Mexico City







For more than a century, L’Oréal has devoted its energy, innovation, and scientific excellence solely to one business: Beauty. Our goal is to offer each and every person around the world the best of beauty in terms of quality, efficacy, safety, sincerity and responsibility to satisfy all beauty needs and desires in their infinite diversity.


Before starting … How do our recruitment process look like?


1°/ After applying to the offer by filling in your CV information.

2°/ If your CV is selected, you will be invited for an Exploratory Recruitment Interview (individual one). The recruiter you will meet with will be getting to know you better, understand who you are and what are your professional aspirations.

3°/ Finally, if the exploratory interview is positive, you will get an interview with the HRBP and the Hiring Manager! 


A Day In The Life:


As a National Sales Manager you must be self-motivated, proactive and able to work on your own initiative. Your responsibilities will be:

  • Under the Division Commercial Director authority, build the field force action plan to implement the Division strategy (according to commercial and brand strategy).
  • Pilot their performances and their KPIs on sell in and sell out drivers. Set field team individual qualitative and quantitative objectives (turnover, launches, assortment, space and visibility, training, incentives, promotional animations, etc.) according to the region, channel. 
  • Allow an efficient communication flow between the different stakeholder (Field / headquarter, retailer’s regional HQ and stores).
  •  Define the field organization with the commercial director. Recruit, coach and animate his team and foster with his regional sales managers a culture team of instore excellence. Build and leverage field team bonus scheme.




We Offer:


  • Protection: Protection for our employees (Medical & Health Insurance, Pension Plan and Flex Benefits)
  • Health: Taking care of your physical and mental well-being (Employee Assistance Program, Medicall Home, Gym, Wellness Program, Health Day)
  • Balance: Improve your level of personal and work life (Vacations, Personal Days, Flexibility, Friday Schedules and more…)
  • Workplace: More efficient and pleasant work (Parking and FREE Corporate Cantine)
  • Encouraging your Development: Learning Platform & Portfolio, International Mobility
  • Supporting your Financial Health: Cash & Savings fund, tickets restaurant, Discount on L’Oréal Product and Bonuses


We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and take pride in a diverse environment. We would love to find out more about you as a candidate and do not discriminate in recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, or other employment practices for reasons of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, medical condition or disability, or any other legally protected status.

  • Sie können sich innerhalb von 30 Tagen auf bis zu drei Jobs bewerben.
  • Sie können Ihre drei Bewerbungen anschließend nicht mehr zurückziehen um sich auf weitere drei Stellen zu bewerben. Stellen Sie daher sicher, dass Sie auch Ihren Traumjob auswählen.
  • Bitte besuchen Sie "Dein Bewerbungsprofil", um die Stellen einsehen zu können, für die Sie sich bereits beworben haben.
  • Bitte erstellen Sie kein weiteres Konto mit einer anderen E-Mail Adresse. Sollten Sie ein zweites Konto anlegen, könnte dies mit dem vorherigen Konto zusammengelegt werden und Ihr Bewerbungsdatensatz wird anschließend gelöscht.