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+508Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | +1809Samoa | +685San Marino | +378Sao Tome and Principe | +239Saudi Arabia | +966Senegal | +221Serbia | +381Seychelles | +248Sierra Leone | +232Singapore | +65Slovakia | +421Slovenia | +386Solomon Islands | +677Somalia | +252South Africa | +27South Sudan | +211Spain | +34Sri Lanka | +94Sudan | +249Suriname | +597Sweden | +46Switzerland | +41Syrian Arab Republic | +963Taiwan | +886Tajikistan | +7Tanzania, United Republic of | +255Thailand | +66Togo | +228Tonga | +676Trinidad and Tobago | +1809Tunisia | +216Turkey | +90Turkmenistan | +7Turks and Caicos Islands | +1809Uganda | +256Ukraine | +380United Kingdom | +44Uruguay | +598USA | +1Utd.Arab Emir. | +971Uzbekistan | +7Vanuatu | +678Venezuela | +58Vietnam | +84Virgin Islands, British | +1809Virgin Islands, U.S. | +1809Yemen | +967Zambia | +260Zimbabwe | +263聯絡電話聯絡電話 *電子郵件 *密碼 *確認密碼 *Location 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