Shanghai, Shanghai Shi


Ecommerce Category & Consumer Insight

Ø  Identify market trends & changes in consumer behavior with EC data

Ø  Provide insight to new launch plan in EC platform

Business Forecast & Review

Ø  Business forecast with solid methodology

Ø  Provide comprehensive picture of campaign review & actionable recommendation

Market study

Ø  Update ever-changing content landscape to related function teams with regular reports

Ø  Seek for the leading-edge technology & data capabilities in the market and leveraging them to create business value

Ø  Demonstrate mature insight in BI tools


Ø  4-6 year experience in EC data/analytical role in FMCG industry

Ø  Knowledge & enthusiasm in beauty industry

Ø  Experience in both manufacture & agency will be a plus

Ø  Solid understanding of ecommerce business

Ø  Experience of running data from EC platform data tool like Ali Databank, JD Shufang, Douyin Yuntu (either one) is a must.

Ø  Proven ability in independently writing reports, including collecting internal & external data resource, building up story line, and demonstrating thoughts in clear, relevant & impactful PPT output

Ø  Excellent communication and influencing skills - to make it happen, and also make a difference

Ø  Experience of building up dashboard will be a plus

Ø  Bachelor degree above, fluency in written English

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