Showing 1-6 of 6 results

    Assistant Purchasing Manager (Marketing, Digital IT)

    Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR Posted 22-Mar-2024
    This role will lead and manage one or more of the relevant subcategories cross Marketing, Media and Digital IT spend domains. What you’ll do: * Manage the assigned domains/ categories independently with an expert understanding of procurement against team objectives including risk management,...
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    Hong Kong SAR Posted 01-Jul-2024
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    Group Product Manager- Maybelline New York

    Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR Posted 03-May-2024
    Group Product Manager What you’ll do: * Lead, define and steer the product strategy for the categories to ensure consistency with international brand positioning and priorities, while contributing to continuous and sustainable growth for the brand * Lead and implement consumer centric...
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    Kerastase - 美容顧問 / 資深美容顧問 (Brand Ambassador / Senior Brand Ambassador)

    Hong Kong SAR Posted 03-Jun-2024
    關於KÉRASTASE 源自法國的尊貴專業護髮品牌KÉRASTASE建立於1964年,以嶄新科技不斷革新,成為無可比擬的尊貴專業護髮品牌。憑藉專業、豐富的經驗、個人化服務配合獨特而優質的護髮產品,KÉRASTASE深受世界髮型師信賴,更屢獲美容及美髮界獎項及殊榮,被譽為頂級髮廊的護髮首選。 About KÉRASTASE Found in France in 1964, KÉRASTASE has been a hair and scalp expert. KÉRASTASEproducts are innovative, unique formulas...
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    SkinCeuticals - 美容師 (Beautician)

    Hong Kong SAR Posted 28-May-2024
    * 良好溝通技巧、顧客服務 * 具兩年或以上美容護理經驗, 持有國際認可美容證書 * 具零售經驗優先取錄,對美容零售有熱誠 全職員工(非合約制)可享有完善福利包括: 在職培訓/良好晉升機會 /17天公眾假期/可達22 天年假/有薪婚假/有薪陪產假/豐厚佣金/酌情年終酬金/中西醫療及牙科福利/住院保險/人壽保險/免費及星級產品/購物優惠/生日、結婚、新生兒賀禮 有興趣者點選申請 (申請人資料只作招聘用途並絕對保密)
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    SkinCeuticals - 美容顧問 (Skincare Advisor)

    Hong Kong SAR Posted 20-May-2024
    SkinCeuticals由美國杜克大學皮膚學教授Dr. Sheldon Pinnell創辦。憑藉30多年抗氧科研經驗,品牌獲全球超過8,000 名皮膚科醫生、整形外科醫生及醫學美容中心採用同推薦,並成為全球NO.1專業醫學美容護膚品牌,從家居護膚至美容療程後護理,全方位改善同時預防老化跡象,打造持久健康肌膚。 * 1年或以上零售工作/客戶服務經驗 * 基礎護膚知識 * 良好溝通技巧 * 優質顧客服務 * 抱有工作熱誠, 著重團體精神 * 積極主動, 態度正面 * 基本普通話及英文 全職員工(非合約制)可享有完善福利包括:...
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    Showing 1-6 of 6 results